Home > Funny article in The Onion…

April 20th, 2012 Posted in Uncategorized

My friend sent me this funny article from The Onion.  Sometimes The Onion is spot-on.  But you know what?  Men have the same problems that this article pokes fun at and it is important to pay attention to them and attempt to do something about it so we can take less beta sitosterol when we are older.

The big trouble with human being of both genders is the enormous influence our parents had on us, mostly in a negative fashion.  The whole issue with the nuclear family is that a child is exposed to, and shaped by, two neurotic individuals for close to 20 years before (s)he is turned out into society to play human pinball against millions of other individuals who have been just as damaged.  When children are raised in a tribal society, they are exposed to a whole spectrum of individuals and therefore not damaged in this manner.

But alas, this isn’t our experience so what can we do about it?  The first thing is to be conscious of what is going on and actively decide to force ourselves in the opposite direction.  The second thing is to do breathwork on a daily basis and put ourselves into situations where we are forced to grow in primal ways.


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